Our area is rich in distinctive Italian shops famous for their uniqueness, attention to detail, and tradition combined with innovation.
These are the qualities intrinsic in the words “Made in Italy” creations by artisans who have labored a lifetime to produce products in the way they know best.
The labor of the artisan is the one of the oldest arts because it is practiced by craftsmen employing techniques inherited over generations. Experiencing their work will give you an appreciation of how much care and passion they have dedicated to their products–these are jobs that nowadays are rare to find, but in Tuscany it’s still possible in small villages where time seems to stand still.
Below is a list of typical Italian shops in Montepulciano and its environs where you can marvel at how local artisans still work their gold, copper, iron, wood, mosaic, tile, and leather. What could be better than to experience the history of new place through the eyes of its people, which they will be happy to share with you!
Bottega Artistica Etrusca: Since 1953 Gianfranco has been creating artistic ceramics worked on a traditional potter’s wheel. He has been able to reproduce the glossy black surface of the “bucchero,” the clay pottery of the ancient Etruscans obtained through a technique that had been forgotten for years. Gianfranco’s daughter Roberta, has been personalizing each of her father’s creations with colors and typical elements of nature and Tuscan landscapes for over fifteen years.
Bottega del rame Rinomata Rameria Mazzetti: An enchanting shop where reflections of the beautiful Italian cookware, dishes and many other objects illuminate the setting of Bottega del Rame in Montepulciano, and where Caesar continues to this day hand working his copper. In his studio near the theater, you can see him creating works of art using the same forge his grandfather used and which dates back to 1845. Next to the Cesare’s copper studio, you can visit a small museum with a collection of not only his work in copper, but even shows off examples of his family’s pieces going back to the late 1800s.
Aliseda: Manuela has completed extensive study and experimentation relating to the ancient techniques of processing gold used by Etruscan goldsmiths. She works with gold alloys similar to those ancient and natural materials used in processing such as beeswax, vinegar, clay, and coal. Her store is glimpse into the time of the Etruscans and so much more!
Arte ad Intarsio di Frassineti Arnaldo: Inlaid wood is another art of an ancient craft. Arnaldo Frassineti’s studio is where he meticulously fits small pieces of wood creating fabulous inlaid works that are so perfect they seem like paintings.
Laboratorio Mosaici Artistici: Albo has mastered the art of the mosaic of the Roman and Byzantine periods and since 1966 has been producing mosaics in Italy and abroad, particularly in the United States.
Wrought Iron
Ferro Battuto Biagiotti: In a workshop located on the road to Pienza, ironworking is done completely by hand in the ancient method of using hammer and anvil to create timeless objects.
Bottega Artigiana del Cuoio: Valerio produces handmade belts, wallets and many other pieces of high quality leather goods.