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The Francigena Trail, Via Francigena, is network of roads that in medieval times, pilgrims uses while traveling from Central Europe, especially from France arriving

in Rome. The Francigena Trail in the territory of Siena is a fascinating journey of over 120 km and is well signposted and safe enough to be followed even by families with children who want to enjoying delightful nature walks in all seasons. An example is the easy route from San Quirico d’Orcia Bagno Vignoni. It starts from the Collegiate Church of San Quirico, a Romanesque masterpiece that is located in an idyllic location on the Via Francigena. By following the well marked signs, you can easily get to Bagno Vignoni with a breathtaking view to the right of the rise toward Montalcino and to the left the spectacular Val d’Orcia in all its glory as it reaches out toward Pienza.

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