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Tuscany Restaurant


The irresistible goodness of the traditional Tuscan recipes of our Restaurant


Recently, the agritourism La Bruciata near Monepulciano has restructured a delicious restaurant room, where you will can taste the exquisite breakfasts that Laura and mom will prepare for you with a surprise every morning. It will be a pleasure for you to get up at the morning if you will know that many authentic and fresh meals will wait for you, like the soft handmade cakes, the fragrant buns with rosmary or with stracchino cheese that you will can eat with our salt pork like prosciutto or different types of pecorino cheese or if you will prefer, you will can have the typical Italian breakfast with toasted bread, butter and handmade marmalades to taste with a creamy cappuccino.

During your stay you can order delicious dinners with typical Tuscan meals, healthy and tasty dishes prepared with ingredients culled from our farm and from our garden.

To enjoy dinner with us, La Bruciata requires a reservation in the morning for that evening’s meal because the food is all prepared by hand and cooked the same day. It will give you the chance to savor the true flavors of the past and experience the real Tuscan kitchen!

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